Admission PhD

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PhD studies

- Criminal Law 
- Financial Law
- Comparative Private Law 
- International Commercial Law 

Form of education. The doctoral studies are organized in the form of full-time studies or distance learning studies, with funding from the state budget (subject to availability) or by paying tuition fees.


Date of admission. The admission to doctoral studies takes place every year in September, subject to availability of each doctoral supervisor.


Who can apply for the admission exam. In order to apply for a PhD programme at the Faculty of Law, the candidates must hold a Master's degree or an equivalent qualification.


Admission procedure. The quality of PhD student is acquired by competition. The same admission criteria are required for both Romanian and international candidates. The admission consists in passing a written exam (with a bibliography established and published on the website of the Doctoral School) and an interview. Under the enforceable law the minimum grade for admission is 8.


Duration. The Doctoral Degree Programme has a duration of 3 years. It may be extended only on the grounds expressly provided for in the organization regulations of the doctoral studies.


Language of studies. The PhD programme is conducted in Romanian. International applicants must enrol in a preparatory year for learning the Romanian language or submit documents attesting at least four consecutive years of studies in the Romanian language or submit a certificate of proficiency in Romanian.


The Programme of doctoral studies. The doctoral degree programme comprises a training program based on advanced university studies (TPAS) and a scientific research program (SRP). TPAS consists in completing a 30 ECTS credits educational component. SRP is based on an individual plan developed by the doctoral supervisor, supported by a guidance commission. The guidance commission consists of three other professors.

The PhD student’s research activity is evaluated in SRP on basis of four research reports presented to the doctoral supervisor and the guidance commission:

 - A report during the first year, after the completion of TPAS, in form of a project that should contain a broad outline of the future thesis, study objectives, research methodology.

- Two reports in the second or third year of the PhD studies; each doctoral supervisor decides on the content and the form of these reports.

 - The submission of the thesis to the doctoral supervisor and the guidance commission for analysis in order to obtain consent for the public presentation of the thesis (the final report).


Completion of the PhD studies. The doctoral Degree Programme ends with a thesis. The candidate presents publicly his/her doctoral thesis before a Commission of specialists, consisting of at least 5 members. If all requirements are met, the Commission proposes to award the candidate the doctoral degree. After the thesis validation by the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, the PhD title is awarded through an order of the Minister of Education.